Team B hoping to leave soon
Having returned Team A from Haiti (NECN article at ( ), Forward in Health is quickly packing and planning to send Team B. The 10 member team of doctors, nurses, and EMTs is ready and standing by. The need is still great in and around Gran Goave, our present home base.
The only problem is getting into the country. Commercial airlines are still not flying into Port-au-Prince. The charter company that was flying from the Dominican Republic into Haiti has had to stop for financial reasons. The group has looked at all options including a bus from the Dominican Republic to Haiti and a ferry. At the present time we are on the waiting list to fly into Port-au-Prince with Missionary Flights International out of Florida. They will give us 48 hours notice to be in Florida ready to go. The bags are being packed with supplies and Team B has its' exit interview Saturday with Paula with the hope of being in Haiti by early next week.
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