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Wednesday, January 20, 2010 

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Team A" Close To Their Destination

We received word just a little while ago that the 14 members of "Team A" representing Forward In Health have safely made it to Santiago, Dominican Republic. Due to the fact that there was not much daylight remaining and the Jacmal, Haiti airstrip has no lights for the planes to land, the Team was forced to stay the night in Santiago. They are bedding down for the night in a local school. Word came from Haiti today that roads had been blocked off in Leogane but it turns out that the roads were blocked off for the landing of our Team. The Team is schedule for an early start in the morning(Wed.) with a schedule 7:00am departure to Leogane on military helicopters. They will be landing right on the roads that were blocked off and will be picked up by or director in Haiti, Lex, and brought to Grand Guave and the Mission of Hope. The Team will hit the ground running providing medical care to those in need. They will be in for a long day!


We are with you in Spirit Doc, and pray that God keeps you all safe. Let us know what you need!

Is so proud of her home town MD's & Nurses for being in Haiti... Being a pediatric and OR nurse I so wish I was there helping all of you and the people of Haiti... Be careful & be safe...

Melinda Houle RN

John-I just became aware of your great work from an article my father sent me from the Worcester Telegram. I'm so impressed! Best of luck to you and your team.--Steve Porter, GHS '77

I have been checking the blog for updates and am glad that you are closer to destination. You are an inspiration and blessing to the Haitians.
One God/one race/one love
Your friend in Templeton, MA

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