FIH Medical Team Mobilized
A medical team made of of doctors, nurses, and a former marine medic who served in Iraq will be traveling to Haiti at the request of our directors Lex and Renee Edme. Renee e-mailed FIH today requesting medical assistance now. The earliest flight we can arrange out is on Tuesday January 19th. We will return the following Sunday.
Donations made at this time through our web site will be used first to defer the cost of the trip and second to help with reconstruction of the orphanage that collapsed. Several members of the medical team were in Haiti in August 2009 and if possible FIH would like to help them this time with the cost of the trip which is usually $1250. The cost of the airline flight alone is $600.
Donations made at this time through our web site will be used first to defer the cost of the trip and second to help with reconstruction of the orphanage that collapsed. Several members of the medical team were in Haiti in August 2009 and if possible FIH would like to help them this time with the cost of the trip which is usually $1250. The cost of the airline flight alone is $600.
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