Haiti Update
Finished a second day of clinics yesterday. 2 nights ago and yesterday felt a few pretty good aftershocks. Only lasted 2-5 seconds but one once strong enough to take notice. Other than that can feel light rumbles like a truck going by.
Spent yesterday morning seeing patients at Mission of Hope's church and where their orphanage is. A tent city has popped up in the courtyard for the orphans and others. By the end of the morning we were starting to see less ill people although the last boy of the day was diagnosed with malaria. During the day treated lots of wounds and some orthopedic problems. Our orthopedic Dr., Dr. David Fabien, relocated a dislocated hip and casted a fracture of a femur under sedation.
After lunch traveled to Lex and Renee's visitor home by the beech. The navy landed there today and is setting up shop. The home there is destroyed.
The afternoon we traveled along the road and stopped at 2 different tent/refugee camps. Needed to treat 3 people for broken bones that has still not been casted and then many wounds, some worse than others.
Will be returning to the camps today as they let people in the mountain area know we will be there.
Be safe brother!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:57 AM
Dr. Mulqueen and team...I am brought to tears as i read your daily posts. What you all are doing and sacrificing on a daily basis is trully noble. I pray for you all every day. Be safe!!!
All good things,
Jessica Fitzmaurice
Posted by
Unknown |
12:24 PM
Dr. Mulqueen and Team... I am brought to tears as I read your daily blogs. I pray for you all every day =) Be safe!
All Good Things,
Jessica Fitzmaurice
Posted by
Unknown |
12:28 PM
Dear Dr. Mulqueen,
I thank God that you and your team are there to help those in need. Please know that our prayers are with you. If we can be of any concrete assistance don't hesitate to let us know.
With best wishes in Christ,
John Howland, M.D.
Worcester Guild of the Catholic Medical Association
Posted by
John |
1:08 PM
Thank you, all, for what you do. How I wish I could be in the trenches with you to offer more than my money from afar. May your contribution of skills,the good will and gifts you give come back to you and replenish your spirit!My prayers are offered up in hope and thanksgiving for your efforts.
Posted by
Pinehollow |
3:56 PM