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Friday, January 15, 2010 

Medeical Supplies, food, and monetary donations

It has been 36 hours since Forward in Health received an emergency plea from our Haitian directors Lex and Renee Edme, "Come now." In 36 hours a medical team of 11, including a registered nurse from San Francisco, has been mobilized.
$4,656 has been raised through online donations via our web site.
FIH has received $10,000 in donations from student and faculty at Gardner High School, employees at Heywood Hospital in Gardner, and people dropping donations off at our home or pediatric office. A gentleman handed us $500 in cash plus a $20 bill he won on a lottery scratch ticket. He insisted that the $20 be used to buy candy for the children at the orphanage. He refused to give his address so that we could send him a thank you note.
Heywood Hospital, Health Alliance Hospital, and University of Massachusetts-Memorial Hospital have donated medical supplies. Heywood Hospital has discounted medications through their pharmacy. Packing begins tomorrow at 1 PM for the trip.
The Michael Carlson Memorial Fund donated all of the money to buy the medications purchased through the Heywood Hospital Pharmacy.
Our home looks like a Peace Corps center with many boxes and bags filled with everything from bandages to vitamins, to peanut butter to tuna fish to protein bars. Food has been in short supply in Grande Guave, our destination.
Medical trips usually take 4-6 months of planning. The same will be accomplished this time in 3 days thanks to many helping hands and generous people. Our original plan was to provide help in some small way to the devastated people of Haiti, people who had very little who now have nothing. If nothing else by the time we leave they will again know that people in the United States care that they are in trouble and will have provided them with hope.

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