Thanks for all of the good wishes
Paula and I would like to thank everyone who called or e-mailed with concerns and good wishes. Thanks for donations received. Members of Forward in Health have volunteered to travel to Haiti if and when the ability to travel occurs.
No word about our wall and the people of Fonfrede. We have heard that a few buildings in Les Cayes collapsed and 14 people died.
The Forward in health club at Gardner High School has organized the student body at Gardner High School to wear yellow, the club colors, and the club members are wearing their FIH shirts.
No word about our wall and the people of Fonfrede. We have heard that a few buildings in Les Cayes collapsed and 14 people died.
The Forward in health club at Gardner High School has organized the student body at Gardner High School to wear yellow, the club colors, and the club members are wearing their FIH shirts.
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