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Wednesday, November 14, 2012 

Forward in Health, the Gardner Massachusetts based non-profit constructing a healthcare clinic in Fonfred, Haiti, is kicking off the Christmas season with a Christmas concert. Performing will be the Fitchburg based Maverick Street Band. The date is Saturday November 24th at 7 PM at the Dukakis Auditorium at Monty Tech High School in Fitchburg, Ma. Tickets are $20 each.The theme for the concert is, helping two communities, the needy in the Gardner community and the poor in Haiti. We hope that everyone will come and enjoy the holiday cheer. However, if you cannot attend, you can buy a ticket for someone in need.

FIH is working with local social support organizations such as the Department of Children and Families, Hope House, Seven Hills Foundation, the Gardner CDC, the Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center, and the St. Vincent De Paul Society to identify those in the community who are less fortunate and cannot afford to go to the concert. Companies and organizations are being asked to sponsor the concert, and for every $20 donated FIH will send a person in need to the concert. Anyone who cannot attend but would like to support FIH can also buy tickets for people and families identified as in need.

Christmas is the season of giving. Attend the concert and support the work of Forward in Health in Haiti. Buy a ticket to the concert for members of the community identified as in need. Do both! Your donation serves two communities; the greater Gardner area and the impoverished in Fonfred, Haiti 1700 miles away. To purchase tickets to attend or to donate the cost of a ticket contact Paula Mulqueen at paulamulqueen74@gmail.com. You can mail a tax deductible contribution with a check made out to Forward in Health and mailed to 310 Central St, Gardner, MA, 01440. You can also pay via PayPal. Spread the word and start a happy Christmas season!

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