Many Faces of Forward in Health
Forward in Health continues to make strides towards the opening of a medical clinic in Fondfrede, Haiti. While this is the primary mission of FIH it is not the only way that we are able to positively impact people in Haiti and in our own community.
Haiti is in the midst of a dry spell. While this brings to mind crops drying up and dustier roads, in Fondfrede it also means people without drinking water. Water, a very basic need, unavailable. This does even take into account is the water clean. Two hand-pump wells along the road to our clinic site have dried up or are broken. Evens, our representative in Haiti, has relayed a request from the community to allow them to obtain water from our well for 2 hours in the morning and for 2 hours in the late afternoon. The water has been tested and is clean. So for $200/month to cover diesel to run the pump FIH is helping the community with a more basic need than health care; water.
FIH is proud to accept a check from the Forward in Health Student group for $3500. This is the amount that the students from Gardner High School were able to raise during the school year. The highlight and biggest fundraiser was the yearly Faculty Talent Show featuring a performance from the Wildcat Dolls.
You may wonder how this qualifies as FIH positively affecting the faculty and students from Gardner High School since we were the recipients of a check. FIH provides the opportunity for the faculty and students to look outside of their small community and develop a broader view of the world. Students and faculty traveled this year with FIH to Haiti and had an eye opening life changing experience. The student group is able to do so well because they are moved and motivated. We provide the opportunity, what they do with that opportunity comes from within. The ultimate beneficiaries are the students, faculty, and of course the impoverished people of Haiti. $3500 could pay for a lot of water!
Haiti is in the midst of a dry spell. While this brings to mind crops drying up and dustier roads, in Fondfrede it also means people without drinking water. Water, a very basic need, unavailable. This does even take into account is the water clean. Two hand-pump wells along the road to our clinic site have dried up or are broken. Evens, our representative in Haiti, has relayed a request from the community to allow them to obtain water from our well for 2 hours in the morning and for 2 hours in the late afternoon. The water has been tested and is clean. So for $200/month to cover diesel to run the pump FIH is helping the community with a more basic need than health care; water.
FIH is proud to accept a check from the Forward in Health Student group for $3500. This is the amount that the students from Gardner High School were able to raise during the school year. The highlight and biggest fundraiser was the yearly Faculty Talent Show featuring a performance from the Wildcat Dolls.
You may wonder how this qualifies as FIH positively affecting the faculty and students from Gardner High School since we were the recipients of a check. FIH provides the opportunity for the faculty and students to look outside of their small community and develop a broader view of the world. Students and faculty traveled this year with FIH to Haiti and had an eye opening life changing experience. The student group is able to do so well because they are moved and motivated. We provide the opportunity, what they do with that opportunity comes from within. The ultimate beneficiaries are the students, faculty, and of course the impoverished people of Haiti. $3500 could pay for a lot of water!
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