Audrey Hunter, R.N. has been traveling with Forward in Health since the very beginning. She was a member of the first disaster team which landed in Haiti 1 week after the January 2010 earthquake. Audrey is also on the FIH board of directors. Helping the people of Haiti is never far from her thoughts. She celebrated her birthday this past Friday with friends and family. John and Paula Mulqueen, co-founders of FIH, were only too happy to join in. At Audrey's request, any money which would have been spent on a birthday present was to be donated instead to Forward in Health. FIH received $1,010 from those in attendance. Audrey obviously speaks often about FIH and is proud of her own self-less giving to the poor of Haiti. Whenever she would introduce Paula or John to her friends and relatives the response was usually the same. "I recognize you from pictures Audrey has shown us." FIH is equally proud of Audrey and wishes her nothing but the best on her birthday!