Hal in Haiti
Hal Seifert from Lopez Island, Washington has volunteered to spend the next 6 months in Haiti working for Forward in Health. He is in charge of construction of the clinic. All of his expenses are being paid for by Spirit of Hope based in Worcester, Ma. (spiritofhopehaiti.org) The following is from his blog Hal in Haiti (http://halinhaiti.blogspot.com).
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Post Paula and Pam
This trip feels very different, it's like I'm more connected to the people without trying as hard. With 800 kids around it's not hard to interact with them. The weather is warm and sunny, but not stifling hot. I'm going out to the clinic site later today, then we'll see how I feel about the heat. I'm going to meet the man who has overseen things so far and the crew, to go over the particulars of this project. This time around I'm hoping things will be different. We have an excellent architect and a team of engineers to answer to. The first order of business will be undo, how shall I say it, less than exceptable work. But we'll do our subtraction and get on with our addition. Hopefully this time next week we'll be on our way. Alrighty then, until later, Halhttps://facebook.com
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