Day 1 in Haiti for Team B
Team B flew from Santiago, Dominican Republic by charter landing on a road in Leogonne, Haiti. They immediately traveled to a village 45 minutes away to work out of a tin roofed chapel. Among the patients to arrive was a 53 year old woman injured in the earthquake 3 weeks earlier. She was brought to the chapel in a wheelbarrow by her husband. She had a bandaged leg and it was determined that she had a fracture of her femur, the long bone in her leg. The leg was casted, however the orthopedic surgeon on the team, Dr. Marshall Katzen, determined that her best chance for a full recovery was to have a metal rod surgically placed in her leg. Team B made contact with US army personnel and started plans to have the woman transferred to the USS Bataan hospital ship. All paperwork was completed for future transfer when space became available on the ship.
The team saw a mixture of patients including wounds, some healing better than others, and many with infectious diseases such as colds,, coughs, and intestinal diseases.
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