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Wednesday, February 15, 2012 

Forward in Health Student Group Update

The Forward in Health Student Group at Gardner High School held its 6th Annual Teacher Talent Show on Thursday February 9th. Several hundred students watched as 15 teacher and staff acts sang songs, played instruments, performed magic, danced, and brought down the house with comedy routines.
The student group formed six years ago to provide support for Forward in Health and to provide the students with an opportunity to help others in need. Each year in addition to the Teacher Talent Show, the group produces a dance show, a student talent show, a raffle and a yard sale.  Several club members have traveled to Haiti with Forward in Health and have since gone on to medical careers. The 24 current members of the club are co-advised by Forward in Health board member and history teacher, John Gardella, and Cindy Taddeo, a speech and language pathologist for the Gardner Public Schools.
Male members of the GHS History Department show their extreme dedication to FIH fundraising efforts by posing as the "Wildcat Dolls" for the GHS/FIH talent show!

"The Midnight Judges" perform at the talent show, featuring FIH Board Member John Gardella on bass.