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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 

Landmark Relationship

Monday December 12, 2011 the Forward in Health board made a unanimous decision designed to both complete the first phase of our mission, bringing healthcare to the people of Fondefred, Haiti, and also ensure our future. FIH is proud and excited to announce the signing of an agreement and relationship with Seven Hills Global Outreach (SHGO). Seven Hills Global Outreach, an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation , has partnerships in seven third world countries, including Haiti. They bring both a passion, knowledge, and expertise about how to make lasting changes in developing countries with an eye toward sustainability.

During his presentation to the FIH board Dr. David Jordan, president of Seven Hills Foundation and a professor at Clark University in Worcester, Ma, stressed that non-profits organizations such as Forward in Health cannot sustain themselves relying on donations and fundraisers. These forms of financing have a place, however organizations relying on these forms of funding are not sustainable.

Dr. Jordan, along with Ashley Emerson-Gilbert, director of Seven Hills Global Outreach, traveled in October, 2011 to Fondefred, Haiti with FIH president Dr. John Mulqueen. They spent time learning what FIH has accomplished and short term plans. They also had meetings with the mayor of Les Cayes, the Les Cayes Chamber of Commerce, and 15 leaders of the Fondefred community. Dr. Jordan was able to identify a service for FIH that he believes will ensure a steady financial stream to FIH as a means of supporting the medical clinic and also be one source of financing for future construction.

Under the agreement SHGO will provide FIH with an experienced management team in the US and in Haiti, along with personnel to aide in marketing, finance and budgeting. Just as important will be the expertise and visionary skills of Seven Hills president Dr. Jordan.

The future of Forward in Health, and therefor the future of the impoverished people of Fondefred, has never been brighter. Adding this alliance to our recently completed five year strategic plan and dedicated  and passionate board is a recipe for success for FIH "for today, tomorrow, and a lifetime!"

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