Forward in Health Capital Campaign

It is with great excitement that Forward in Health announces plans for a 2 year capital campaign. The goal is to raise enough pledge money to complete the entire construction project including an operating room suite, medical equipment including a lab and radiology room, a pharmacy, and furnishings for the clinic and living space.
After completing two very successful fund raisers spearheaded by Jim Krasouskas and Anthony's Liquor Store, FIH has the money necessary to finance a feasibility study by Peter Dubay of Fund Raising Advisors Cape Cod. FIH president John Mulqueen said, "We have come a long way with local fund raisers and donations. We have been able to purchase 3 1/2 acres of land, built a 10 foot high wall around the entire property, had a complete set of architectural plans drawn by Paul Fallon a specialist in design of hospitals and medical buildings, utilized the advice of structural engineers to be sure that the building is earthquake resistant, and had the foundation for the first third of the building finished. However to take the next step we need to find additional sources of funding and our board is confident that this is the way."
In part the Forward in Health case statement outlines plans for construction and costs:
Phase I - $1 million
· 10’ wall around 3 ½ acre site, foundation, shell of building and water wells - $200,000
(already funded and underway)
· Building will be 5,000 square feet, two floors - $300,000 (includes all planning costs)
· First Floor - Clinic space to serve area of 20,000 people
· Second Floor - Living space for director and 12 visitors
· Alternative energy- solar, wind, etc. - $150,000
· Furnishings and Medicine - $150,000
· Supply Transportation Costs - $100,000
· First Year Operating Budget - $100,000
Phase II - $500,000
· Operating Suites - 6,000 square feet. Forward in Health has been contacted by OB/Gyn physicians, orthopedic, trauma, and general surgeons with a desire to spend time in Haiti. The need for such doctors is extreme, yet a facility for them to work is lacking.
· Operating Suite Equipment and Furnishings will be purchased from vendors of surplus goods in the United States. Costs includes transportation.
Phase III - $500,000
· Complete the clinic building and living quarters. An additional 5,610 square feet will be added to complete the project.
Endowment - $1 million
· An endowment fund will be needed to help cover on-going operating costs.
Peter Dubay's work begins Monday December 6, 2010 with the interviewing of Forward in Health board members.