Team arrives in Haiti
The 3rd Forward In Health medical team arrived in Haiti Wednesday March 21, 2010.
We were driven through earthquake devastated Port-au-Prince. The tent cities are endless. People have constructed tin shacks along the cement median of a main road in the city with concrete blocks and tires on the side of the road to prevent cars from hitting them. Mounds of rubble line the sides of the road. A large church, thought to have been the cathedral, is in ruins. The President's Palace, the "White House" sits collapsed with an idle bulldozer in front of it. There are no obvious signs that work has been started.
Around all of this life tries to go on. Stores and outdoor markets are open. The streets are becoming more congested. However there are no signs that the demolition and removal of destroyed buildings has even begun.
The team arrived in Grande-Goave at Mission of Hope with our directors Lex and Rene Edme. The team will be sleeping outside in tents or on a cement patio. Tomorrow we travel to Les Cayes, about 90 miles away, a 4 hour drive if all goes well.
Everyone is excited about beginning but especially those who have never been to Port-au-Prince are stunned by the poverty and destruction.
Around all of this life tries to go on. Stores and outdoor markets are open. The streets are becoming more congested. However there are no signs that the demolition and removal of destroyed buildings has even begun.
The team arrived in Grande-Goave at Mission of Hope with our directors Lex and Rene Edme. The team will be sleeping outside in tents or on a cement patio. Tomorrow we travel to Les Cayes, about 90 miles away, a 4 hour drive if all goes well.
Everyone is excited about beginning but especially those who have never been to Port-au-Prince are stunned by the poverty and destruction.