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Monday, November 01, 2010 

FIH provides oppotunity to help with construction

Construction of the first 1/3 of the Forward in Health medical clinic in FondeFred, Haiti resumed today. To make the building as earthquake resistant as possible the foundation that is already in place will have additional rebar placed and sealed into the concrete with an epoxy. This will need 2 weeks to be as hard as possible before construction then resumes.
Forward in Health was contacted by Hal Seifert from Lopez, Washington. Hal was interested in spending 6 months in Haiti helping a group with construction. Hal recently made his way to Haiti and is spending 2-3 weeks in Grande Goave with FIH directors Lex and Renee to become acclimated to Haiti before moving to FondeFred. A recent email from Hal said:
Hello John,
Things are going well here. I've mostly worked on Lex's projects, but have checked on the clinic in Les Ceyes, we hope to get started soon. I really like it here. Thank you for this golden opportunity.
My best,

Thanks to Pam Reidy and Spirit of Hope for helping Hal with his expenses.

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