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Monday, June 26, 2006 

The Story of the Scrubs

Thanks to Scrub This (Scrubthis.com) we have cool 100% cotton scrubs for our pediatric clinic in July. They went above and beyond the call of duty to provide our medical staff with the scrubs. July in Haiti is uncomfortably hot, but the cotton scrubs will help keep the clinics up and running.

In addition to providing Forward in Health with a financial break on the scrubs, providing them at cost, the people of Scrub This made it their personal mission to ensure that the scrubs arrived on time.

From truck drivers in Mexico to truck drivers across the border in California, the material, which was backordered, was urgently passed. The material arrived at the factory with no time to spare. Scrub This stopped production of all other scrubs to begin and complete the making of ours.

After all of this, their efforts still appeared to be too late. Our trip would leave before the scrubs could be shipped cross country to Massachusetts. Not to be denied, the members of Scrub This forced the UPS driver to wait one hour on a Friday afternoon until the final product was packaged and boxed.

All of the members of Forward in Health thank Scrub This for their enthusiastic support. We will let you know how great our trip to Haiti works out.

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